Leaf Removal
Leaf Removal
These services are only available in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Availabilty times:
Monday - Thursday: unavailable
Friday: after 3:30pm
Saturday: after 10:00am
Sunday: after 3:30pm
Price shown is for a quote and will be subtracted from your bill upon completion of work.
Pre-bagged leaf removal: We will remove leaves and/or pine needles you have raked and bagged at no charge. Leaves/pine needles must already be bagged and free of trash, branches, and excessive sticks or twigs.
For the following jobs, we will quote a price upon arrival:
Leaf pile removal: We will bag & remove your leaf/pine needle piles. Price is $2.00 per cubic yard- minimum 1 cubic yard per pile.
Leaf raking & removal: We will rake, bag, & remove leaves/pine needles from your yard. Price is $0.10 / square yard- minimum 250 square yards.
NOTE: We will not, under any circumstances, perform leaf removal from your roof or gutters.